Polygonum capitatum

This tough, fast-growing groundcover is at home in sun or shade

Name: Polygonum capitatum (aka Persicaria capitata)

Common Name: Pink knotweed, pinkhead smartweed.

Description: A low growing, carpeting species that stays under 6 inches tall. In mild climates the leaves are evergreen. The foliage is marked with darker burgundy tinted chevrons and the stems are a pink or red. Depending on the region, pink flowers bloom from spring through the first freeze.

Culture: It’s a tough groundcover that will grow in dry and sandy soil. It performs in sun or part shade.

Hardiness: USDA Hardiness Zones 8-11.

Propagation: Seed or division.

Attributes: Drought tolerant once established. Reports indicate deer don’t tend to eat this plant.

Warning: Considered invasive in California.


Photo courtesy of City of Vancouver

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