CAST 2022: Ball Ingenuity

Home décor includes indoor flowering plants, designed to keep consumers buying plants all year.

It’s no secret that we gained millions of new gardeners the last two years. To keep those consumers captivated, Ball Ingenuity is appealing to the décor side of plant parenting and telling buyers to “renovate your indoor space with plants.” This messaging will feature flowering plants such as hydrangeas, cyclamen and celosia.

The new hydrangea Francy series features double-petaled, star-shaped flowers with multiple flower heads on a compact, sturdy plant. Colors include Purple and Pink. The new Ice Boy hydrangea is a clean, bright white with classic-shaped flowers. Both new hydrangea series are supplied as dormant 4-inch pots with four or more canes and 6-inch pots with 6+ canes. Crop time is 11-12 weeks.

Cyclamen make excellent indoor plants and Ball Ingenuity has partnered with Morel to offer several sizes and varieties. One of the latest introductions is the Crispino Mix, with a nifty ruffled flower.